Where Can I Find My SUBARU Locking Wheel Nut/Bolt Key Security Code? Step by Step Guide Online

There can be few things more frustrating than losing your SUBARU locking wheel nut/bolt key. This guide helps you replace your SUBARU locking wheel nut/bolt key - without the need for the wheel nut security key code or Julian code.
We don't require the locking wheel nut/bolt security key code/Julian code to provide you with the correct locking wheel nut/bolt key. Simply follow our simple '3 Step Process' below'.
Don't worry or waste your time looking for the locking wheel nut/bolt key security code. In our experience, the locking wheel nut/bolt security key code can be historic or simply not match the actual wheel locks fitted to the vehicle.
This can arise for a variety of reasons as follow:-
1) the security wheel locks may have been changed over time
2) an incorrect locking nut security key code was placed within the vehicle or paperwork
We don't require the locking wheel nut security key code/Julian code to provide you with the correct locking wheel nut. Simply follow our simple '3 Step Process' below'.
Go to the 'SHOP' page to purchase your 'Locking Wheel Nut/Bolt Key'. If you have a 'Security Key Code' you can enter it there. If you don't have a 'Security Key Code' follow 'STEP 2' & 'STEP 3'.
TIP If ordering via Security Key Code/Julian Code; take an mage of one of the security nuts/bolts on the wheel - so that we can check that the wheel locks fitted match the code
Take an image of one of your Security Nuts/Bolts on the wheel with your mobile phone. Take the image close-up and face-on, so that we can see the head of the nut/bolt clearly
If you do not have a security key code; please take an image of your 'proof of keeper' document. For a list of acceptable documents, please refer to the '3 Step Process' on the FAQ Page.